Well, hello there!

Well, hello there!
Matt & I in Costa Rica over Christmas...So beautiful there!
It's simple. Really. We're a young married couple that loves cooking together. We always try to eat healthy and, if it's simple and doesn't break the bank, we're into that, too! We hope you'll visit often and tell us what you think about what we're cooking! We'd love to hear from you. Drop us a note, a suggestion or a recipe!

Friday, February 5, 2010

cook's on vacation.

Not really. I wish. But, we are taking a small, one night vacation from cooking. Tonight we're going to Niko Niko's in Montrose. So good. My very best friend invited Matt & I to dine with her and her family there tonight. She says it's for an advertising class project...which is actually true. How could we resist? In the name of UH ADVERTISING, let's go to Niko Niko's! We're always down for some ridiculously good Greek food. Stop it. I'm getting excited right now and we're not going until 7. Ah, I can't wait. Please be 7 right now.

So, no dinner blog tonight. However, here's what we're having tomorrow night!

Grilled Chicken with Sweet Potato Mash, Grilled Corn & Spinach Salad

Sound good? Yeah, we think so, too.
We love food. And that's not a bad thing.

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