Well, hello there!

Well, hello there!
Matt & I in Costa Rica over Christmas...So beautiful there!
It's simple. Really. We're a young married couple that loves cooking together. We always try to eat healthy and, if it's simple and doesn't break the bank, we're into that, too! We hope you'll visit often and tell us what you think about what we're cooking! We'd love to hear from you. Drop us a note, a suggestion or a recipe!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


So, as it turns out, we took a two night vaca from cooking at home. After Niko Niko's (which was ridiculously good) on Friday, my parents decided they wanted us to go to dinner with them last night, which was really fun. So, all that talk about grilled chicken and sweet potato mash, yada yada, well, it didn't happen last night. So, we'll have it tomorrow. Wait. We have Bible study tomorrow. Hmmm...Tuesday. Wait. I think that's poker night. Hmmm...We shall see. We've had a great time eating out the past two nights, but, we're ready to start cooking again.

Side note: if you haven't noticed already, I'm horrible at grammar. Sorry. I know we have a lot of people reading this, or "following" as they say in blog-land, that are/were English majors. Please forgive me. It's never been a strong point for me. Ha, that's probably a severe understatement. Oh well. We're all flawed.

We hope everyone has a great night of football, family, fellowship and, you guessed it, food! (and more football, of course) HAPPY SUPER BOWL!!!


  1. I am loving this! Keep it up Funny Girl!

  2. Meghan, The great thing about a blog is that the grammar doesn't have to be correct! So.... don't worry! Your writing is interesting and flows well. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't write!
    Can't wait to keep reading. Oh, and I love the new look!

  3. I love Niko Niko's, haven't any Greek food here yet:( I love your blog too!
