Well, hello there!

Well, hello there!
Matt & I in Costa Rica over Christmas...So beautiful there!
It's simple. Really. We're a young married couple that loves cooking together. We always try to eat healthy and, if it's simple and doesn't break the bank, we're into that, too! We hope you'll visit often and tell us what you think about what we're cooking! We'd love to hear from you. Drop us a note, a suggestion or a recipe!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I used to hate it when I was a kid. My mom would eat asparagus like it was candy. I never understood it then, but I now I do. I love it, and so does Matt. Asparagus is so good most of the year, but in the Spring it's at its finest... I think so, anyway

Last night we had, as you have seen on the menu, Pan-Grilled Chicken & Asparagus with Garlicky AlmondsSince I'm basically a one-trick-horse when it comes to pan-grilling chicken, I'm not going to post that recipe because it's on this blog somewhere. You know, the one where all you do is olive oil/spray the pan and coat the chicken with Kroger Chicken Grill Seasoning? Yep, that's the one! I will however give the short, simple asparagus recipe. Here goes:

1 Bunch fresh asparagus
1/2 Cup water
1 Tbs. slivered almonds
1/2 Tsp. pre-minced garlic
1/2 Tsp. butter

In a large sauce pan,over medium-high heat, place water and asparagus.
Cover and bring to a boil. Once it reaches a boil, reduce heat to Low and let simmer until asparagus is bright green and a fork can be inserted into it.

In a medium skillet, over medium heat, place remaining ingredients and stir with a wooden spoon until garlic and almonds begin to brown. Remove from heat and place a spoon-full of mixture onto each serving of asparagus.

Well, that's it for night one of this week.
Can't wait for tonight! Slow-cooker sausage and beans...quite possible one of the EASIEST meals in the world. I bet I can prepare it in less then 5 minutes.

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